Ліцензія ProTrainUp - безкоштовна для навчального та некомерційного використання.

Інші вправи, створені цим користувачем
Вправа - SG - combinations play in 2x2 and 3x3 situations
Додати до обраних

Skill game: two versions: 

#1 - 2v2 plus 4 on the outside. Objective is to keep the ball and move it from one end to the other without losing the possession.  Key points in this exercise is to find movement in and out. One player comes in to support the ball and one goes out to find space behind enemy line. If player comes close to support, advise is to bounce and move.

#2 - 3v3 plus 2 jokers. Objective is to move the ball and the opposition to create overload, or isolation 1v1 and score to small goal. Key points for this exercise are to make overlapping and underlapping runs, to ensure overload as well as support and move when jokers are in possession of the ball.

Size for both : 20x25m

Параметри вправи
Вид спорту: Футбол
Вікова категорія: U10 U13
Етап: Część główna
Тип: Grupowy
Час вправи: 40 хвилин
Кількість повторень: 1 раз
Перерва: 0 секунд
Інтенс.: 60 - 100 %
Теги: Gra 2x2 Gra 3x3 Podania i przyjęcia piłki
Обладнання: в/д
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